Call Us: (305) 203-1448

What Does Your Credit Score Say About You?

One negative item could hurt your score by 110+ points

Let us help you understand your credit profile and what you can do to raise your score. 

Get A Free Credit Consultation Now!

Better Credit In 4 Simple Steps


We'll look in depth at your credit report and identify what's lowering your score


We'll reach out to the credit bureaus and work with them to improve your report


We negotiate with the bureaus to remove unwanted, negative remarks from your history


Every 15 days we'll repeat this process to help build your score
  • Charge-Off Removals
  • Collection Removals
  • ​Inquiry Removals
  • ​Public Records Removals
  • Bankruptcies
  • Medical Bills
  • ​Student Loans
  • ​Tax Liens







$1000  $395!

Inquiry Removal All 3 Bureaus

$2500  $1000!

Credit Wipe All 3 Bureaus

REMOVE: Bankruptcies, Late Payments, Collections, Evictions, Repossessions, Student Loans, ANY and ALL Negative Activity

(305) 203-1448


Bad Credit Is Expensive

What Is A Good FICO Score?

One of the most well-known types of credit score are FICO Scores, created by the Fair Isaac Corporation. FICO Scores are used by many lenders, and often range from 300 to 850. Generally, a FICO Score above 670 is considered a good credit score on these models, and a score above 800 is usually perceived to be exceptional.

FICO’s 5 Credit Score Factors

  • Payment history (35%)
  • ​Amounts Owed (30%)
  • ​​Length of credit history (15%)
  • ​​New credit (10%)
  • ​​Credit mix (10%)

Why Having Great Credit Matters

Society is becoming increasingly dependent on using credit to make purchases and decisions.
These days, good credit is used for more than just getting a credit card or a loan.
More and more businesses are making the case that you must have good credit before they extend products or services to you.
  • It Affects Where You Live and How Much You Pay
  • It Affects What You Drive and Your Car Payment
  • ​​It Can Affect Your Job Search
  • ​​It Affects Your Ability to Start a Business
  • ​​It Affects Other Monthly Bills

The Cost Of Bad Credit

Based on a $250,000 loan for 30 years

How It Works


First, we analyze your credit reports and work with you to identify any questionable negative items hurting your score. We’ll build a custom game plan based on your unique situation.


Next, we challenge the identified negatives with the bureaus and your creditors. If they can’t prove that the items are accurate, fair and substantiated, they are required by law to remove them.


When a negative item is removed from your credit, we briefly celebrate (sometimes with cake). Then, we get back to work, tack- ling the other questionable items still on your reports.


Why Good Credit Matters

Millions of Americans are victims of inaccurate or unfair negative items wrongfully lowering your score. Even worse, most don’t even know how it's hurting them.
Society is becoming increasingly dependent on using credit to make purchases and decisions. These days, good credit is used for more than just getting a credit card or a loan. More and more businesses are making the case that you must have good credit before they extend products or services to you.
  •  It Affects Where You Live and How Much You Pay
  • ​It Affects What You Drive and Your Car Payment
  • ​It Can Affect Your Job Search
  • ​​It Affects Your Ability to Start a Business
With our done-for-you credit repair services you can finally take advantage of everything that credit has to offer. Whether you're looking to remove negative remarks from you report, boost your score, or even leverage your credit to create a passive income source.. you've come to the right place!
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